HALIFAX: Election Day Event Features Sold Out Pre-Black Friday, Summer Season Tourist Cleanup & New Christmas Tree Waterfront Shops

Yes new double anti-covid sidewalks now at Casino and Scotia Square renovations.

Installed for this election.

I don’t know if cruise ships run in winter here but the port is always open year round.

Maybe pick up you Christmas tree on the winter cruise at the Halifax Seaport & Farmers Market.

Black Friday sold out here since pre-Black Friday Halloween sale lead to no lines and malls and shops.

With the big summer cash in over and cleanup on the pier.

All during a postal strike which Halifax emphasis on local Christmas shopping with large Christmas displays at malls.

All for Election day.

Transit bus signs stress rent VS. Christmas presents for the poor on city signs, and Google small business internet security.

Maybe get that youtube subscription on my 5G Secure web server Google Cloud video uploaded on my analvids.com and pissvids.com for my subscriptions to back up my adult video files on Google Cloud for my 5G server and I’ll be at set to spend my Holidays alone in Halifax with my candle heat and McDonalds Christmas sandwich menu and I’ll be done till March.

No adult Google video backup like YouTube on the pages I looked at.

RE: Ski Nova Scotia Today

You might not know that my whole life I have been an avid downhill skier.

I mean, this cliff story is what was going on out at the ski area kinda.

I mean it’s not open today because of warm weather this November.

Since back in the 1980s Ski Nova Scotia has massively expanded with resorts, casino, beach, cruise ships and skiing.

In fact, myself being from the Old West Railroad (The famous Sampson train) family from old Nova Scotia when it was it’s own Country until the 1930’s.

I was disappointed that in a recent pawn shop massive sale here the promotion was “old Canadian currency” did not include Nova Scotia currency which today retains its value.

You can be happy today that the new ski area I think they said is in Windsor Nova Scotia, my grandmother’s farm area from the same Old West Rail Road here in HRM.

HALIFAX: Homeless People Try To Live On Cliff Base At Election Station In Private Yard – Updated

You talk about mad…

I was blogging about Bridgeway Academy in Halifax / Dartmouth on Main (Highway 107) now they have this problem in the area behind the school.

They said people went into the area behind the school and tried to build a camp on a cliff base on Waverly Road and it was private property.

Then they had a bunch of old trucks parked around it at the polling station on election day and were running cross walks on Waverly Road at Admiral Westphal Elementary School and the Junior High School.

Then they all started mouthing off to the property owner and refuse to leave the peoples yard on Waverly Road and a dog attacked people at the bus stop at a duplex on Montebello Drive at the sane cliff on Metro Transit 54 bus route at the same cliff.

That is the rumor of a fight going on outside in Halifax on Election Day.

Now all these people are camped in people’s yards on the cliff base on Waverly Road and won’t leave the yard with all these old pickup trucks at the lake on Waverly Road near the Tim Hortons / Subway restaurants and someone got attacked by a rabid dog on the 54 bus route on Montebello Drive on the same cliff area at the Admiral Westphal Elementry School is what I heard as rumors outside today in that area.

Update, RE: Cliff location…

The actual cliff is across the Mic Mac Lake from the Mic Mac Mall at the “Circle K gas station” which is on a small island….that is the cliff.

At the Circle K at the same cliff base it is directly behind the Fire Truck Warehouse at the emergency service location.

The top of the cliff is several large neighborhoods with expensive balconies over looking the Mic Mall Mall across the lake which is the main view of the mall from the top of the cliff on Montebello Drive, location of the supposed dog attack.

The same area is also at Braemar Drive Superstore at the Mural on the rotary area at the Mic Mac Mall causeway.

The cliff is on top the mural at the rotary which is also the location of Admiral Westphal Elementary and Brideway Academy School.

The view of the top of the cliff is visible from the Mic Mac Mall parking lot at The Bay department store.

LOCAL: Halifax, Provincial Election Promises New Rent Policy & Updated Medical

Yeah but the platforms are on separate candidates, then construction time is at least five years away on these issues.

The result: You have to manage on your own local issues with small candidate platforms , while they build those covid changes…years to construct, for example NDP is promising to fix rent issues while PC backs medical and University programs.

On NDP they promise to fix rent issues while PC backs students at Dalhausie long term programs and medical for new medical services local in the community which only EXPANDS their Digital Imaging programs for new hi resolution imaging at Dal for NEW local programs in the community backed by Dal.

Opinion: Not working and being home connects me more to University and Medical platforms where I can participate, however NDP promises to fix rent issues in cases like mine WITH OUT legal aid to resolve by using Provincial Senate Resolutions.

RE: Abandoned Water Parks

Now you go out and buy this old land or something in Old Nova Scotia and they have all this garbage on them from past usage.

I mean, I thought I’d just let it rust if I had it and get some wear on it or something.

See who girls names are carved on the tree and put my name up with them.

Then all the old rides were garbage but some carved into the cliff face, then that is a closed business so you own the cliff face.

Then in bad city zoning, open neighborhoods were in the abandoned park!

Then the decks fell off.

Look, someone tell the City to stop building on the water slide in the water park on my abandoned land that I bought.

Update, City Layouts Not What You Expect In Canada

People go on about all these problems in the local area here, what about this one…

I’m from the Railroad in Old Nova Scotia and have a seven year University Degree…that’s already successful off the internet.

Let’s say you go have have this land from your great grandmother out in Old Nova Scotia and it was used or whatever and now you bought it.

You go down there, like at Splash Place or somewhere and they built neighborhoods on an old Water Slide on a bad zoned neighborhoods sold on land from Splash Place built into the old rock face now all their decks fell in and fell over the cliff to the other neighbouthood.

Get off my waterslide!

Diary Update

RE: Main Street Dartmouth City Layout / Halifax NS. HRM

I mean the bums got so bad that they think their doing something.

My point is this, when my blog says Main Street Mic Mac Mall Dartmouth that’s like fifteen blocks, plus it’s also on the 107 Exit 14 at the Halifax International Airport.

That’s my point all the bums loitering in the plaza, that they just blew up with Dynamite to put in two new city blocks and a new local access to the Admiral Westphal Elementary School still under construction.

My point is this, the area is Two Plazas not one…

When you come up from Downtown there is a Tim Hortons in the fenced in plaza there but that is the BACK of the plaza and practically abandoned.

The other plaza is across the road at the other Tim Hortons and NOT CONNECTED.

The smaller one is the BIGGER LOCATION the Double Drive Thru at the Elementary and Jr. High School on the “regular town layouts” at the private elementary school BEHIND the Tim Hortons Double Drive Thru with front and back street access for the elementary school.

That is a separate drive thru and plaza and for the elementary school students at the Bridgeway Academy Private Elementary School.

The sit down Tim Hortons entrance is at the same Double Drive Thru at the new intersection at the back of the fenced in plaza behind McDonalds and Burger King.