LAW: Texas Court Defendants Try To Counter Sue With Illegal Garbage, Rumors, Sandy Hook Elementary School

Rumors, just like the last scam and the Canada Border breach from some Texas truck convoy now more issues from Texas.

The winners of the lawsuit from Sandy Hook Elementry School case in Texas apparently are facing an illegal defense but it is just rumors.

They are saying the defendants, an illegal protest group, owe the parents billions of dollars.

Now in a new scam like the last post, people claim they are trying to discredit the Government with illegal garbage from police stations etc. From wars overseas with reset police files and stations.

People claim the garbage was from before the war in illegal dumpsters.

Now the case is coming back up in public talk, where they STILL CLAIM in public apparently as rumors that the shooting was fake.

Now are trying to find video and pictures of military and government agents at the police stations and courts from before the war.

The rumor is they plan on challenging the public in Texas by exposing the agents on the tape in public in Texas claiming the police station was fake and government agents fixed the stations and courts during the conflict with no democratic process.

Again, the defense in the Texas case claims that they can win an appeal or something by using that evidence against the town in Austin, Texas from the illegal garbage to say they faked the police station to discredit the school court victory.

Again again, the Defendants in the case NEVER SAY their stories could be military content and the rumors say they want to challenge the police station with videos of agents from before the war from the garbage and sue them in the town and STILL NOT SAYING that the military is involved it that.

A fake case against the residents of Austin, Texas is the rumor expecting agents to defend court corrections during the war, while denying the military connection to their defense.

Just sickening.

UPDATE: Internet Companies Lack Long Term Back Catalog Support

Working in the internet today twenty years after University Graduation after a seven year program I again see the end of many internet companies….

How can you even use a service like internet to sell a product like music when the stream lasts a hundred years and each web site app or content provider service lasts two months.

The answer, no one will use those third party storage people because you have to change your page to their outage.

No one will do that, plus everyone knows long term streaming music over a hundred years is ALWAYS available.