HALIFAX: Christmas Eve Marred By Crime & Fake Mail Delivery

Nice fake civil service you got there Halifax…

Nova Scotia now #5 in poverty and number #5 in poor expense.

Nice to see all you poor people in Halilfax all loitering at the mall while on the radio you all said you had mo money at home.

I thought you wanted Christmas OR rent all the news says?

Well if you don’t have both the welfare took your kids.

Then all your poor kids and husband’s and old men with this two top 5 expenses are all using the money to loiter at the mall.

I thought you wanted to be home with the money?


I thought you were on strike?

Nope, they all had to work today to deliver empty slips to everyone’s houses with their BANK EFT on them with no deposit on Christmas eve.

For welfare cheques.

Nice fake civil service Halifax.

HALIFAX: Re: Local Amber Alert This Week

This week in Halifax there was an attempted child kidnapping where someone tried to lure a child into a car.


These rumors go right along with local gossip and ranting at bus stops and Tim Hortons.

People said outside that:

“They knew someone that they didn’t”

That is the tip, plus name calling in the group flaming people while they said they knew someone they didn’t.

People believe this was a cover story to lure someone for a kidnapping saying they knew someone with them.

Later people found out that the incident in the group outside in Halifax that they didn’t know the person they said.


People outside said they knew someone they didn’t.

During the Amber Alert.

5G HOME INTERNET: Prepaid Carriers Caught Spying On Roger’s Customers & Staff?

Here it is…

5G home internet is available at Roger’s Communications…I’m not gonna lie and I almost fainted.

People said, prepaid internet carriers were spying on Roger’s staff and customers, not confirmed, then watching late accounts and calling them for payment arrangements to try and see if it was 5G subscribers.

And it was!

They called as soon as the bill was late, then potentionally faked service issues to try and spy on 5G home internet systems which ARE up on open source and you don’t need Windows.

Like to women and better off homes.

Then my reference was sports is already on 5G bandwidth….

The carrier is Roger’s Communications for MLB Blue Jays in the AL EAST.

Now they got caught in some scam harassing Rogers staff and customers.

RE: Halifax Doctor Calls About More Bizarre Illness In Halifax

Man, you can’t even read this garbage…

Not only PD, on radio talk shows people called in saying they had shingles, which is infected chicken pox and the nerves came out of their hand.

The doctor said it’s common…

Yeah but it’s fatal.

If you get shingles and your nerves come out your hand that’s it.


Thats exposed solar plexus stomach nerves to the open air, through the exposed shingles.

There is no cure for exposed nerves anyway plus you will lose the feeling in your hand from dead nerves and die of a stomach solar plexus infection.

RE: United States Political Threat Against Halifax From New York Business People

I mean seriously, this is why non-monarchies hate America.

What do they have one free nation against UK 92 Countries plus Africa etc.

Then they say Gaza, well…

Everyone from monarchies are Palestine.

See, now this has spilled over into Gaza who are Anti United States and are going to have traditional allies like the UK citizens over the issue.

Now we have a UK Conflict in the Caribbean against New York plus a new war in the Middle East against Israel from UK allies in the Caribbean and traditional ties to Palestine in Africa.

What can two free nations do in a conflict with over 100 other Monarchy nations.


CANADA: Local, United States Pretends To Block UK Lumber

President Elect Donald Trumps claims UK lumber will be taxed 25%.

From a President who I though was banned In some states, plus was traumatically shot with a gun on live television.

How would 50 States block the UK Monarchy currently listed as 92 countries.

Also with traditional ties to Palestine, India and Africa in past governments.

Not true.

Canada, with its recent tourism boom here in Nova Scotia 900 miles away in New York City threatens our economy at one border of 92 countries.

In Canada the traditional ties to Africa, Palestine abd India are still mainly prevalent in immigration policies as Canada’s recent one million immigrants are from UK India backgrounds etc, like the rest and work on tourism here in Halifax.

For overseas places like Tonga, New Zealand, Jamaica, Putro Rico and Acapulco Halifax is their the immigrants place in this tourism network.

Some may find that a nuisance that immigrants working in Halifax today are a tourism attraction and appeal to the city like other overseas UK routes.

Again, Halifax the historical capital of New England for New York City the position has been given to the former Halifax Mayor the new representation from Government House in Halifax.

Now the typical argument from President-Elect Donald Trump is he plans to block Halifax lumber in our port from the UK 92 countries to their 50 states 900 miles away in New York City.

An unlikely scenario.

Although New York City is much larger than Halifax it is the world’s second largest Harbour and also some of the largest suspension bridges in Canada.

New York City is dwarfed by the Halifax Harbour shipping lane and not a conflict threat to UK Nations.

Now this has led to deep animosity overseas and even in US States like Porto Rico and conflicting with UK ties from places like Alca Pulco who are the same UK trade networks like Tonga and New Zealand.

HALIFAX: PD Outbreak In Old Men Now

You saw the TV ads for it.

Oh yea, now it’s a PD outbreak at the Mall in Halifax…an old man penis cyst outbreak.

Now all them bums in Halifax got PD on their penis.

All it smells like at the Mall now is dirty old men with PD on their penis.

I mean, it’s not catchable to women but any girl I ever met says that PD is the grossest thing a man can get on their penis and won’t go near them.

Now we’ll run out of nurses in Halifax because women hate PD.

LAW: Texas Court Defendants Try To Counter Sue With Illegal Garbage, Rumors, Sandy Hook Elementary School

Rumors, just like the last scam and the Canada Border breach from some Texas truck convoy now more issues from Texas.

The winners of the lawsuit from Sandy Hook Elementry School case in Texas apparently are facing an illegal defense but it is just rumors.

They are saying the defendants, an illegal protest group, owe the parents billions of dollars.

Now in a new scam like the last post, people claim they are trying to discredit the Government with illegal garbage from police stations etc. From wars overseas with reset police files and stations.

People claim the garbage was from before the war in illegal dumpsters.

Now the case is coming back up in public talk, where they STILL CLAIM in public apparently as rumors that the shooting was fake.

Now are trying to find video and pictures of military and government agents at the police stations and courts from before the war.

The rumor is they plan on challenging the public in Texas by exposing the agents on the tape in public in Texas claiming the police station was fake and government agents fixed the stations and courts during the conflict with no democratic process.

Again, the defense in the Texas case claims that they can win an appeal or something by using that evidence against the town in Austin, Texas from the illegal garbage to say they faked the police station to discredit the school court victory.

Again again, the Defendants in the case NEVER SAY their stories could be military content and the rumors say they want to challenge the police station with videos of agents from before the war from the garbage and sue them in the town and STILL NOT SAYING that the military is involved it that.

A fake case against the residents of Austin, Texas is the rumor expecting agents to defend court corrections during the war, while denying the military connection to their defense.

Just sickening.

HALIFAX: Cable & Pre-paid, Gift Card Scam

Listen to this pre-paid card scam…

Obviously now that internet is home 5G Cable companies and pre-paid services like Eastlink Cable Subsidaries.

So you get a main Cable carrier in Halifax like Eastlink then smaller sub business run pre-paid off those higher connections.

Now they got caught scamming high profile or richer apartments and houses.

Like this to Aaron Judge from the Yankees or something…


Cable Company…”Hello is this Aaron Judge? I noticed you only have $40 on your pre paid gift card or pre paid phone account.. .Are you gonna top that up with the rest of the money for the card balance to $500 for December or you need a payment arrangement or what?”

Can you believe that’s how Cable services ended when home internet switched to 5G.


RE: Nova Scotia Child Poverty Rate 5th In Canada

There are some big numbers coming from the big prick in Ottawa.

Almost 100,000 children in Nova Scotia live in poverty.

That’s up to number 5 in Canadian stastics.


In a Province made up of around 1 million residents…

I mean, it’s just a bit lower than that.

Now look at this number…

That’s 1/10 of Nova Scotia residents PLUS 14% of 900,000 (nine hundred thousand) residents (in the population difference on the stats).

Again with the UK, most incidents not chargeable by police etc., with a local high crime rate like stolen police tazers etc.

Then Nova Scotia is #1 in Canadian tourism plus #8 before covid here with an extra 2 Million permanent visitors.

So when I go to the Mall you get all these picks there from these poor families starting fights at the Food Court…then when a big sale comes up like pre-Black Friday I have money for the discount racks then poor kids follow you around the Mall lying telling everyone that your gonna donate the racks to the Thrift store their going to have them tomorrow.

When it’s your families clothes etc. for the back of your closet and storage bins.

I’m sick of that happening at the Mall in my neighborhood.