I dunno, this is a late night show…
After Hours with Amy Lawerence now people call in and say the show is too feminine.
I thought they meant locally because of this blog and how I’m permanently on Cosplay now with boy and girls characters.
By the way, I still look the same as my pictures on this blog.
I mean, some people like me actually go to New York and still live here in Halifax.
I’m just saying that’s what they sound like when they call from here, that they get to talk to Amy Lawerence here in Halifax locally.
My point is people like me actually attend those live sports events there.
You know what she said?
She doesn’t where her girl clothes to work on Infinity Sports Network.
I thought this blog locally that might be too feminine for their show.
What do you other people call her about?
Too feminine?
What do you men want on the show, just naked men or what.