How do a bunch of poor people in Halifax think they can use that money to loiter and bum at the mall while people like me have the trip paid and bums and poor kids from the radio story and old men have to pay to stand next to me using that government debt to loiter.
When I’m at the mall I have money, all you local bums and poor kids all wasting that top 5 budget to bum me at the Food Court while I’m actually eating on a paid trip.
Updated, we’re they ever pissing off the bus drivers over at the Halifax shopping center, they say they can’t afford the area while poor kids on the top 5 expense budget do and are there harassing the working drivers while the kids waste the budget loitering.
Dear poor people, Metro Transit doesn’t operate and pay taxes for you to use the budget they paid for to allow you to loiter and harass them on the Transit.
I mean, Metro Transit is not going to pay those kids on their taxes to loiter and assault them on the bus with that dept they all ran up.