It’s a pretty high fail anyway, what they start out ten thousand people and I only had two hundred people in my grad class.
Like in the course at Computer School over at UCLA.
You get the disc, the text book and a computer lab.
The instructor, teaches you that index.
Later, this is what people don’t understand.
That all becomes something else later.
Writing the new book like for workouts from your school programs to teach MLB players how to hit by coaching is more like actual money.
So when I see scams in offices, that’s not the work I do….mine is using the files to run an office or teach workouts or something.
That part of the money is just me that makes that, like for private sports instruction for hitting etc.
I used to do work like that before I went to University, so I am back to that like with ballet and a new workout.
They can ruin the computer software in the industry, but they can’t get the money for it…because it’s locked in programs like private instruction for example, like baseball or any sports instruction.