Now I’m a twenty year graduate from this seven year program, that ended in a bad court case I won…
My point is twenty year degrees at 45 – 65 pretty quiet time for most people, planning retirement etc.
That leaves me stuck at home, single during a big flood of slush, wind warnings and blizzards after the cyclone ruined the area anyway.
You get to hear about that here I guess, during my jip rock repair in a wind storm here in Halifax.
I’m gonna tell you something, life is better on paid bandwidth.
Since then, I have everything on my phone.
My point is, when you go to a jumbo tron game they tell you, paid bandwidth is low subscribers but the highest signal.
I mean,…
I want to talk about my investments heading to 65.
On shorts on the internet they work on the phone and paid bandwidth, I mean the Heavy Metal music section must be super expensive ads for a huge campaign on such a small market.
Look, it’s not my fault if I look naked at restraunts because of my new workout.
Now I’m all blonde and tan again and back at dancing with my new workout.
Like, years ago I mean when I made all these investments before and during University.
Like, instead of power lifting or something.
Like at the beach or something.
It’s not a secret that it’s like girls gone wild in my bedroom so I’m glad to be back there and single with my investments coming.
When, years ago I have this big degree now and can run my own office building.
What sucked about my investments was no one else worked and I ended up winning this huge court case and stayed home.
Pretty soon, I ‘ll be back there when my investments are done….Maybe I’ll let the girls gone wild team here in my bedroom set up the blue screen computer for you and we’ll make some tapes since we’re just sitting here naked at the beach permentantly anyway.
I mean if I got that much time on my hands that I watched all those metal promotions on youtube shorts.
I mean, no one else I know is on there on 5G paid with that much free time.
Note to youtube shorts, more of me naked on the page.
I mean, years back I invested in all this stuff and they took me out on some sabbatical and I made all these tapes and pictures at the beach during all that….
Like its just bs, like I’m some hooker or something with all this free time on 5G…so maybe I’ll setup my bluescreen.
Like, so you can see this big party I permenently live in as a hooker.
That’s right I’m a prostitute now with a blue screen business.
Like it’s so busy running this Heavy Metal server where it’s mostly public domain content.
I’ll telling you it really is that busy on free pages.
In fact, it’s so busy I pay for youtube and Netflix.
Like, it’s so much faster because the free page is so busy.
Anyway, hopefully I can get some girls on here since at my house we’re always all naked and at the beach all the time anyway.
Like, they said at Burger King during supper when I was out eating this weekend.