RE: Cosplay, Comic Con etc.

Right, in response to your fan mail…

Yes, I don’t even think of this…just like playing in a band there is probably tons of pictures around of me from Cosplay.

I have no control over that, plus the characters are public domain probably.

So that’s not a big deal, that’s probably all over the internet anyway and this is the small page to all that.

Those would be free pictures of me in Superhero Costumes, that are not licensed.

If you have those, distribute freely.

Remember…I’m super blonde, but may appear in different hair colors…hot body workout like on The Firm excerise videos for ballet and dancing.

I still look like I always have like in my regular pics here on my “about me” page.

Update Reminder…Posers, Wanna Be’s,etc.

I mean, I already said….

The new 50th Annversary of TSR DUNGEONS & DRAGONS is out.

Today that’s the Hasbro version.

I told you all before you have to play Dungeons & Dragons now and follow along live on Youtube for the release is the best time to play.

The price is $400 which should cover the new Players Handbook, Dungeon Masters Guide, Monster Manual and UPCOMING new starter set.

This is the only real time to play Dungeons & Dragons, then later when my game Dragon Adventures is done I’ll be at the comic con with my own booth and 500 box sets representing my Death Metal band Collapse, so I’ll have my guitar with me.

After I moved back here to Halifax years ago now I went back to ballet and dancing for my new work out and go Alpine Skiing for a hobby.

Now I got this awesome medical report for that, so if you wanna see my dress up like a girl at the comic con, which always ends up happening, like Catwoman or something the costume actually fits me.

So for that you need to buy a ticket to the comic con and visit my retail booth.

Remember, at some point there will be 500 copies of my Dragon Adventures box set for sale there at the booth.

Then this big party will break out and NAMM will show up.

All you band people will find out that’s where my new Heavy Metal party is at.

So then you can see me demonstrate all the Marshall amps and effects pedals and you can meet people from Marshall, VOX, DOD ETC, if you follow my comic con booth.

Reminder to Heavy Metal people…that’s where I moved my Collapse concert party.

So now you’re going to have to go to that and buy comics and Dungeons & Dragons, then you can come to my Heavy Metal party and usually there’s tons of people there from real heavy metal bands, record labels and various promotions.

Thats later, right now if you wanna follow along and go to that you have to play the new Dungeons & Dragons and follow along with Hasbro live on Youtube and at Mall Bookstores.

Recent Updates, New Dungeons & Dragons

Recent Updates…

New Dungeons & Dragons released…


New script updates, I started doing re-writes of old scripts to go with my new original ones, you can follow along on the page…ex, Sleepaway Camp 2, Renee Estevez, I am re-writing to make that character Molly the cast for a part 1 – 3 re-write, to go with the Metal page…now Molly (Renee Estevez in the actual movie is the main new character in my plot), is the new storyline I’m pasting over the others in my script fan version. Etc.

Reminder, this page is built for the 5G Network on paid bandwidth so it might not look the same on other computers.

Like from my server, and remote 5G connection….the files all play better and look better on paid bandwidth.

Read my pages on this server, on 5G on paid bandwidth to see the actual page.

This is better for software engineers to construct because all images, audio, video all fit the pages better with less loading and editing errors…

So if you get errors on the page try reading on paid bandwidth on 5G.

HALIFAX: Criminals Caught Building Secret Room Under Apartment?

Rumor, locally I heard people got caught going to strangers apartment building and trying to build a secret room to kidnap people under city road.

Could be near construction site.

Guy said he found in a regular heat building a secret propane hose and outside ground loose power cable in his building while doing renovations.

No propane service was offered at the building.

He said, homeless people were loitering watching the area around the rumored secret room, could be near construction sites at apartment buildings.

RE: Local NHL Gossip

This getting bad, update…

Fat kid and father with bad back and shoulder and hip claim to be in a fight with Nathan MacKinnion from the NHL over jip rock and celing repair.


Fatty says they are covered on the lease, but I mean if Sidney Crosby or Nathan Mackinnion have apartnent rentals in my area they know storm maintaince for celings and floors in on their tenant lease.

I mean, Nathan Mackinnon would have insuarance and a 24 technition at his house for storm repair.

Not needed at the rental, if the tenant abandons the rental with wet flooring from storm damage Nathan can sue him for damages for abandoning the lease…

I mean if fatty in the argument can’t reach the celing to fix the storm damage, like a fat woman who can’t reach the sink, he’s still inferred covered for the damage on the lease.

If he took the rental and then wasn’t covered for tenant repair from storm damage then abandons the apartment the tenant could face criminal charges and have to pay for repairs to the building.

So, I don’t think this fight is going to go to far.